Helping Others: Vintage event honors kids’ helpers
Sacramento Bee's Gloria Glyer interviews Stanford Youth Solutions volunteer Julia Wilsie
Published: Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2012 – 12:00 am | Page 4E
Seventh annual wine auction – “Same Great Varietal, New 2012
Vintage,” a benefit for Stanford Youth Solutions.
When: 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. April 26.
North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks.
How much: $75 per person, with sponsorships beginning at $1,000.
Information: or call (916) 344-0199.
Auction action:
Fine wine and food tasting, entertainment and program, Golden Ticket activity, silent and live wine auctions, live music and dancing in themed rooms with coordinated auctions fitting the settings.
The 2012 community honoree will be Chevo Ramirez, regional vice president of the Wells Fargo Foundation for Northern California. He is responsible for managing and directing charitable contributions for the region. Family honoree honors go to Amelia Kelly and Vincent Semper, who have worked with Stanford Home’s foster care program for nearly four years providing respite for the most intensive children, taken guardianship of one young person, helped two siblings to reunify with their biological family and now are working with another young person bringing this 10-year-old’s skill level to her current grade level.
Stanford Youth Solutions is the new name for Stanford Home for Children. The name change occurred in March to more clearly reflect the mission to inspire sustainable change for young people and their families, and empower them to solve serious challenges together.
Programs are designed to strengthen families and to provide
safety-net services. Funds from this event go directly to support
families in need.
Featured volunteer: Julia Willsie is in her second year as a
volunteer for Vintage because, as she said: “A variety of people
from all over the community get together for a great cause.”
Her involvement began after Steve Sherbondy, a co-worker at R.R. Donnelly, suggested it.
“Steve has a small vineyard and helps with the wine part of the auction,” said Willsie.
“I had not heard about Stanford Youth Solutions, but the more I looked into it, the more I wanted to get involved as well. I was very impressed with how they address the community and what they want for youth solutions.
“There are different strategies. They also try to find responsible mentors for kids, along with help after they reach 18.”
Willsie coordinates Vintage volunteers, helps with the auction
and coordinates setup and takedown. Willsie’s other volunteer
activities include animal shelters, St. John’s Shelter, and
tutoring adults and children.
“I like to be busy,” said Willsie.
She and her spouse have “two four-legged children,” she said. “We have a German shepherd and a tabby cat. The cat was a stray, and they love each other.”
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