Inspiration for the Future
Evolving to meet youth's needs
Stanford Home has been blessed with a rich and extensive history led by a host of deeply caring contributors for more than 112 years—all focused on helping Sacramento’s young people.
As Stanford Home has evolved and adapted to the needs of the community, its organizational brand has not changed to reflect the modern day version of itself. Read more about our upcoming transformation.
Our present and future was made possible by the hard work, dedication, and achievements of those who came before us. While the times have certainly changed, so have the needs of those unable to advocate, support or care for themselves.
In order to better reflect our mission, those we serve and how we impact this community, our Board of Directors approved the strategy to rebrand the organization.
A component of the rebranding was to change our name. Our current name, Stanford Home for Children, had become a point of confusion for several reasons:
- While we enjoy a strong and valued reputation in this community, our name is often confused with other similar organizations.
- We no longer have a physical “home” or residential facilities for children as our programs and services are community-based—serving young people and their families in their environments.
- Even though we support children of every age (0-24), the majority of our clients are young people—youth ages 12-17.
- Lastly, we are outcome-oriented and solution-focused. We do whatever it takes to create a positive change for our clients and their families—we empower them to find the solution.
Our name will change to Stanford Youth Solutions in the spring of
2012. The new name strongly aligns with our mission and
vision, easily identifies what we do, whom we serve, and the
outcomes we seek, all while being flexible enough to
resonate for the next 111 years as young people’s needs
continue to transform.
You will notice our evolution over the next several months in communications, the media and on our website. We thank you for your past support and ask that you continue to help create a community where every young person has strong and permanent connections to family and the opportunity to develop as a healthy and productive young adult.