Vintage Update
New one-page sheet to help solicit your contacts!
Hello Board,
I wanted to thank those that are already obtaining sponsorships
and items for Vintage. We are really trying hard to complete as
much as possible by the end of February so we can promote our
sponsors and get excitement around ticket sales.
I am including a one page sheet that could be helpful to send to
prospects. We will also have a postcard available for you to take
with you at the Board meeting. If you would like copies sent to
you, please let me know.
We are also testing our email challenges for the next few days so thank you for responding when you get something from me that is blank.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Kären Woodruff
Associate Executive Director, Development & Marketing
Stanford Home for Children
p 916.344.0199 ext.208
c 916.761.5136
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