Resource Parent eNewsletter
April 2013
A letter from our Director
Hello all Stanford Foster Parents!
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Sheri
Reynolds and I am the new Director of Foster Care and ITFC. I
have recently moved to the area from San Jose where I was a
Director at another agency for 10 years. During those 10 years, I
was the Director over Foster Care, ITFC, In Home Behavioral
Services, Social Skills Groups, TBS and other programs.
I am excited about the move to the Sacramento area and about
being a part of the Stanford team. Stanford has an impressive
reputation in large part due to the wonderful foster parents that
are on our teams. I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful
group and look forward to meeting you all soon. We are offering a
training this Saturday 4/6, 10:00-12:00 where I hope to be able
to meet you.
As part of my beginning work here at Stanford, I will be sending
you surveys, where I hope to hear your feedback and preferences.
The first survey is about training schedules and topics. Please
click this link:
to take the survey. It will only take 5 minutes and is anonymous.
This will allow us to hear your feedback and preferences, which
we plan to use when making decisions.
I have a special place in my heart for foster parents. I am
grateful and thankful for the work you do and the love you
Thank You,
Sheri Reynolds, LMFT
You’re What’s Working!
This month we would like to celebrate and recognize our Resource Family:
Leslee and Kate Rainey-Audyski
They are a phenomenal mother and daughter team that take on challenges proactively and reactively. They have faced challenges that not many people would be able to handle with poise and grace. Thank you Leslee and Kate for being team players, supporting the youth in your home, and for having the ‘whatever it takes’ attitude.
We Appreciate You,
Foster Care Staff
Property Reviews
Just as a reminder, homes that are in compliance at a monthly property review will not need to be reviewed again for three months. Any home out of compliance during a monthly review will need to continue to be reviewed on a monthly basis. Please ask your social worker if you have any questions.
Monthly Training and Support Group
Stanford Youth Solutions, Foster Care Program is now hosting a mandatory Monthly Training and Support Group. It is required for families that need recertification hours. The meetings will be held every month on the first Saturday (10 am to 12 pm) and first Monday (6 pm to 8 pm). It is only required that one meeting a month is attended. We ask that you bring in your Monthly paperwork to be checked off. ONLY light refreshments will be provided.
Call to RSVP a full business day before if child care is requested for the meeting time you are attending.
Next Monthly Training and Support Group:
Saturday, April 6th
Topic: AB12 Transitional Foster Youth
CPR and First Aid Training Dates
Training Update: Blood Borne Pathogens is no longer required! If your certification for this training has expired you will not need to be recertified. Our CPR and First Aid class schedule will now reflect the change. For any more information regarding Blood Borne Pathogens please contact, or call 916-344-0199
Are you due for recertification in CPR or First Aid? Here are dates for upcoming classes. Please RSVP with your social worker, reply to, or call us at 916-344-0199.
Tuesday, May 14th 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
First Aid:
Monday, April 8th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday, May 29th 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Need more Training?
Please follow the link below for more information for trainings with American River College Foster and Kinship Care Program.
Saturday, April 6, 2013, 12 pm to 2 pm
Sacramento County Probation
4th Annual Juvenile Hall Open House
Bring proof of your attendance (brochure) and complete an Independent Advance Training Form, for two hours of recertification hours. The Independent Advance Training Form will be given to you by your social worker.
Family Recruitment
Help us recruit new Resource Families. When you refer a family and if they become certified you will receive $1,000.00! Send your friends and families to us for a personal informational session with our Recruitment Specialist.
Call or email Christina Cagle at or 916.344.0199
Contact Your Foster Care Staff 916-344-0199
Sheri Reynolds, Director x210
Linda Abdelbaki, Clinical Program Manager x603
Erin Hamer, Social Worker x253
Erin Peña, Social Worker x219
Blair Wilson, Placement Social Worker x233
Tina Saragoza, ITFC Family Support Counselor x250
Jessica Davis, ITFC Family Support Counselor x294
Daniel Sederquist, AmeriCorps Service Member x272
Christina Cagle, Recruitment and Training Coordinator x254