Resource Parent eNewsletter March 2013
Foster Parents Take this Survey!
The Alliance for Children’s Rights is conducting a survey to collect information from caregivers about the benefits and supports they need to retain youth in their care. This survey is very important, as it will help inform the CA Dept of Social Services (CDSS) who is currently making efforts to reform the Continuum of Care.We would like to get these surveys completed as quickly as possible – so please send this out TODAY.
The survey can be found here:
Property Reviews
Just as a reminder, homes that are in compliance at a monthly property review will not need to be reviewed again for three months. Any home out of compliance during a monthly review will need to continue to be reviewed on a monthly basis. Please ask your social worker if you have any questions.
CPR and First Aid Training Dates
Training Update: Blood Borne Pathogens is no longer required!If your certification for this training has expired you will not need to be recertified.Our CPR and First Aid class schedule will now reflect the change. For any more information regarding Blood Borne Pathogens please contact, or call 916-344-0199
Are you due for recertification in CPR or First Aid? Here are dates for upcoming classes. Please RSVP with your social worker, reply to, or call us at 916-344-0199.
Thursday, April 4th 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
First Aid:
Thursday, March 21st 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Monday, April 8th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Need more Training?
Located at the bottom of this newsletter, download the PDF for more information on the Foster Care Classes from American River College Foster & Kinship Care Education program. The class schedule will cover March 2013.
Saturday, April 6, 2013, 12 pm to 2 pm
Sacramento County Probation
4th Annual Juvenile Hall Open House
Bring proof of your attendance (brochure) and complete an Independent Advance Training Form, for two hours of recertification hours. The Independent Advance Training Form will be given to you by your social worker.
Family Recruitment
Help us recruit new Resource Families. When you refer a family and if they become certified you will receive $1,000.00! Send your friends and families to us for a personal informational session with our Recruiter and Training Coordinator. Call or email Christina Cagle at or 916.344.0199
Contact Your Foster Care Staff
Jennifer Shebesta, Intrem-Director x217
Linda Abdelbaki, Clinical Program Manager x603
Erin Hamer, Social Worker x253
Erin Peña, Social Worker x219
Blair Wilson, Placement Social Worker x233
Tina Saragoza, ITFC Family Support Counselor x250
Jessica Davis, ITFC Family Support Counselor x294
Christina Cagle, Recruiter and Training Coordinator x254