Frequently Asked Questions Adoption


Frequently Asked Questions

Adoption is a lifelong journey, and the learning process doesn’t end the day an adoption is finalized. We understand there are many questions families have before, during and after the decision to adopt.

Start the discovery process here and when you’re ready, reach out to us and we will help answer the rest of your questions.

What are the requirements for being a resource parent?

  • You can be married or single
  • Age 18 to 60+
  • Rent or own your home or apartment
  • You already have children or have none
  • You are financially stable, you don’t have to have a high income
  • You have a disability or not
  • You have a traditional lifestyle or non-traditional lifestyle
  • You have the ability to parent a child

What does it cost?

Stanford Sierra Youth & Families does not charge fees for adopting children in foster care.

There are some nominal fees that families will be responsible for in order to complete licensing, such as, fingerprints, CPR and First Aid classes. These fees vary from county to county. Other costs may be incurred for home modifications needed, such as pool covers and fencing.

Once you have completed the certification and homestudy process, you will receive a monthly stipend for the child placed in your home during placement (foster care rates) and after adoptive placement.

How long does the home study assessment process take?

Once your paperwork and classes have been completed, your approval and home study process may take up to 4-9 months.

What is a home study assessment?

A home study assessment is an important requirement of the resource family approval and adoption process. A Master’s level social worker will meet with your family to provide information about the process. The social worker assesses your family during a 4 – 6 week interview process and then prepares a written family profile, with background history, current relationships and functioning, experience with children and parenting as well as other pertinent information. Stanford Sierra Youth & Families approach is strength-based and intended to educate families on permanency and adoption and the impact on children and families.

What does the paperwork entail?

The majority of the paperwork involves information gathering. You will submit copies of tax returns, birth certificates, employment verification and other documents required by state regulations. You will also be asked to complete a resource family questionnaire. This is a process of self-discovery and a Stanford Sierra Youth & Families social worker will help you explore your full potential as a resource parent.

Do I have to take classes?

Classes are required for all families to be approved to care for a child from foster care. The classes are interactive and are taught by experienced Master’s level social workers. They also give you the opportunity to meet other families. Contact a Resource Family Specialist at Stanford Sierra Youth & Families for more information.

Sacramento Office: (916) 368-5114

Auburn Office: (530) 887-9982

Grass Valley Office: (530) 478-0900

Do I add the child to my medical coverage?

Children in foster care are covered by Medi-Cal unless their biological parents have medical insurance coverage.