Give Creatively to Create Change
Donate Now
You can donate any combination of cash, stock, bonds, mutual funds, property, or life Insurance as a one-time, monthly or annual gift. Any amount is needed and appreciated.
Consider Monthly Giving
When you make a monthly gift to Stanford Youth Solutions, you can help young people in need all year long. It’s easier than you may realize to make a big differece. For example, a contribution of $50 per month means $600 per year towards providing a family with their basic needs while focusing on treatment.
Donate for Tomorrow
Donate in a way that makes the most financial sense to your situation. It is easier than you think to make a major change in someone’s life.
Planned giving is an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of youth within the context of your overall financial plan. There are advantages and considerations associated with each type of gift. Some of these are outlined below.
One of the most frequently used methods of making a gift is through a bequest. Your will, drafted properly and kept current, may be the most important legal document you will ever possess. Through your will, you make certain that your relatives, friends, and favorite charities are remembered.
Example: Name Stanford Youth Solutions in your will or trust: designate a percentage, an amount or a particular asset.
A trust is a legal agreement serving as a container into which you can place various assets-cash, securities, real estate or other property. The grantor appoints a trustee responsible for managing the trust’s assets. Trusts can be established for a certain number of years or for lifetimes. They can be revocable or irrevocable, charitable or not.
Example: Create a charitable remainder annuity trust and secure a fixed life income.
Gifts of Stock
A gift of appreciated securities offers the simplicity and satisfaction of a gift of cash while providing additional tax benefits. The transaction is often as simple as calling one’s broker and authorizing the transfer to Stanford Youth Solutions. If you have stock certificates in your possession, you can make the transfer yourself using a simple form called a Stock Power (available from your broker).
Gifts of Life Insurance
Changing insurance needs often present an excellent opportunity for policies to become important charitable gifts. You may hold life insurance policies purchased for specific purposes that are no longer applicable.
Example: Contribute a life insurance plan for coverage to pay for college tuition for children who have long since earned their degrees.
Real Estate/Personal Property Gifts
If you own real estate that has appreciated significantly over time, you may want to consider contributing it. Gifts of marketable real estate are welcome and can offer donors substantial tax advantages.
Example: Donate real estate and avoid capital gains tax.
Corporate Giving
Companies can support Stanford Youth Solutions in many ways: Support our annual event, contribute to the Lifeline Fund for emergency needs of families, or support our programs through your granting programs.
Through corporate grants, event sponsorship, donations and in-kind services business partnerships enable us to continue our mission empowering challenged young people and their families to become stable and productive.
Workplace/Employee Giving
Corporate or Workplace Giving enable employees of a company or business to join together and design a fund raising event or an ongoing workplace campaign that fits the needs of their particular work environment. Let us know how we can help you in your next corporate event to support Stanford Youth Solutions.
United Way - Agency #3155
We are a proud partner agency of the United Way Capital Region. If your organization participates in a United Way campaign, you can designate Stanford Youth Solutions for your non-profit support. Our agency number is 3155.
Company Matching Gifts
Double your impact! Did you know that some employers match, double or even triple employee donations? You can increase the value of your gift by returning your company’s matching gift form with your contribution. Please ask your employer about your organization’s matching program.
Invite Stanford Youth Solutions to Speak at Your Company
If you’d like to learn more about Stanford Youth Solutions, we’ll come to you and share how young people and their families transform their lives by the work we do and the support you provide.
Gift Cards
Gift cards to stores like Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, Border’s, grocery stores or gas cards make an excellent choice to help youth and families! We provide emergency safety-net services to our families as most of our clients are at or below poverty level. It is hard to heal if you are hungry.
Additionally, during the holidays, we encourage our community to provide gift cards so families can celebrate the holidays together – their way. You can imagine the joy of giving a mother the ability to purchase her own children’s presents or to be able to make a holiday meal together.
Rest Assured
We keep your personal information secure.
Good Stewardship
We take our responsibility to contributors seriously. We will use your donation where the need is greatest and ensure your investment is working for youth and their families.
Stanford Youth Solutions is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
How to Give
To speak to someone regarding your donation, please contact Erin
Rochelle DeYoung at 916-344-0199 x 206
Stanford Youth Solutions
Attention: Carrie Johnson
8912 Volunteer Lane
Sacramento, CA 95826
Stanford Youth Solutions cannot make any specific recommendation for your individual planned giving or refer you to a tax specialist. However, we encourage you to share this overview with your financial advisor to find out what options best fit your financial situation and meets your philanthropic desire. Our Federal Tax Identification number is 68-0065690.