Support Stanford Youth Solutions this Big Day of Giving!
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Your gift on Big Day of Giving (TODAY- May 4th) will help Foster Youth connect to a safe, permanent family.
On Big Day of Giving you have the opportunity to make a difference in a Foster Youth’s life.
Every two minutes in the United States a child is removed from their home by CPS, a traumatic and life altering experience for children who end up in the Foster Care System.
We know that every child needs a family. A family provides a compass from birth to death. It is the definition of home. But sadly in California today there are 62,000 children who have been removed from their families and their homes. And right here in the Sacramento region, there are over 4000 children waiting for a home!
The team at Stanford Youth Solutions wraps a blanket of services around these children and their families. Our Community-based mental health and social services help children heal from trauma. Services include family education, psychiatric support, parent and child interactive therapy, and an Intensive Treatment Foster Care program. At Stanford Youth Solutions our success is measured by the number of permanent family connections – currently, we reunite or connect a child with a permanent family placement 80% of the time. But we have reached a crisis point in the foster care system. There are not enough foster families to care for these traumatized children. Our team does the important work of helping them to heal.
Children within the foster care system are challenged with many unmet needs. Obtaining quality foster families to care for them is the greatest. Many children land in foster care due to neglect and abuse. Many youth have lived in multiple foster homes. Each move adds to their feelings that no one cares about them or wants them. Unfortunately, there is a significant shortage of qualified and trained foster parents to care for these young people due to their extensive needs.
We are committed to providing foster youth with an opportunity get out of the revolving door of institutional care and connect to a safe, permanent family.
Every youth needs a hero. Your support on Big Day of Giving (May 4th) will build brighter futures and inspire, empower and support local Sacramento youth.