The initial call takes place after a potential resource parent fills out an interest form or makes a phone call directly to the Foster Care Program’s recruiter. During the initial call the recruiter is answering any questions or concerns the potential resource parent is having. This is also the time that both the recruiter and the potential resource parent are figuring out if their family meets all the initial qualifications to take the next step
Getting Started
Initial Phone Call
The initial call takes place after a potential resource parent fills out an interest form or makes a phone call directly to the Foster Care Program’s recruiter. During the initial call, the recruiter answers any questions you may have. In addition, the recruiter will ensure all the initial qualifications to become a resource parent are met prior to moving forward.
Initial Mailer Sent
Information is sent to a potential resource parent’s home providing a general overview of our Foster Care Program as well as an application to become a resource parent.
The application must be completed and brought to a scheduled orientation.
Orientations are done face to face with our recruiter. The orientation can take place in a family home, coffee shop, local eatery, or at Stanford Youth Solutions’s office.
During the orientation, all of the necessary components of what is needed in order to become certified Resource Parent is explained.
Fingerprint Clearances
In order to become a certified Resource Parent, a fingerprint clearance is required. All adults residing in the potential Resource Parent’s home must receive clearances from Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, and Child Abuse Index Clearance.
We understand that working with youth in general is a challenge. Working with youth that has experienced some form of trauma or abuse can be even more challenging. These youth are vulnerable and we want our Resource Parents to be prepared and successful. We invest in fully training our Resource Parents to be effective in their new role.
Initial Home Interview and Walk Through
The initial interview and walk through takes place in the potential Resource Parents home with the recruiter. The potential Resource Parent(s) will be interviewed through general questions designed to get to know the family better and ensure a good fit for the family.
The walk through portion of this visit is simply a tour of the home. If any changes to the home are required, we would discuss how those changes would happen. If changes to your home are required, you must be complete the work by the final home inspection date.
Paper Work
It is important that all paperwork required from the orientation meeting is turned in.
Home study interview
The home study interview is an interview with one of the social workers or management staff. This interview will be with those living in the home and associated with the potential family being certified. This detailed interview covers a range of topics from family history to personal history.
When the home study interview has been completed by all participating parties, the final copy is signed and placed in the family file.
Final Home inspection, walk through and meeting
The final home inspection and walk through is conducted when the changes to the home that were identified through the initial walk through are completed. At this time, your car will also be checked to make sure that it meets proper safety standards and any remaining paperwork should also be turned in.
There will also be a orientation/recruitment closure meeting where all last minute questions, concerns, and expectations are covered.
Intensive Treatment Foster Care
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention
In order to successfully become a certified Intensive Treatment Foster Family, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention training must be completed and exams passed. We require all of our families to take this training the first year they are certified with us.