Eagle Scout Service Project
Akshay Rao, Troop 94
The Boy Scout rank of Eagle Scout is attained only when an individual successfully plans and executes a leadership-based community service project. For his Eagle Scout project Akshay had a vision…
Akshay attained the Eagle Scout on August 13, 2013, a rank of which only 4% of scouts achieve.
For his Eagle project, Akshay Rao (age 15 and Folsom Troop 94’s youngest Eagle Scout) had a vision to create and donate audio books to Stanford Youth Solutions. “The creation of the audio books will benefit foster children and others in need. It will help children without the financial ability to purchase reading material.” – said Akshay.
Akshay began his project in February 2013. He proposed a plan from beginning to end, developed a budget, held a book drive, and enlisted the help of fellow Boy Scouts. He also created and sold parachute cord bracelets to fundraise for his project and asked for donations from local retail stores. In total, Akshay collected over $400 in donations and recorded over 360 volunteer hours to complete his project.
His plan was to make 50-100 audio books for children and youth served by Stanford Youth Solutions. He successfully completed his project by donating 111 audio books and more than 400 regular books to Stanford Youth Solutions. He also donated one audio recorder, so that youth would be able to make their own audio recordings for books of their choice.
Stanford Youth Solutions is deeply grateful to Akshay and Troop 94 for their service and has already put their generous donations to good use. The audio books are currently available in Stanford Youth Solutions’ lending library for children and youth to take a book home with them every time they visit the office.