Director, Quality Improvement
What’s the most exciting aspect of your job?
“I love having the ability to brainstorm solutions to obstacles with staff, programs and departments and then be able to teach and train on new agency practices that we develop in order to provide the best services to our community and families.”
What’s the most exciting thing about you?
“Although I learned how to speak my first words in Spanish as a kid from copying the Telenovelas on TV, I chose to go to school to formally learn how to read, write and speak in Spanish. Ahora tengo la oportunidad de proveer servicios de consejería en español e inglés para nuestras familias y apoyar a mis compañeros de trabajo con lecciones de español improvisadas.”
“(Now I have the opportunity to provide counseling services in Spanish and English for our families and support my coworkers with impromptu Spanish lessons.)”
Learn more about our Quality Improvement and Research program here