Help a Young Mother
Wish Granted! Thank You Marci Reynolds of Perry-Smith
Transitioning out a group home setting is difficult…add a new baby in the mix and it becomes a larger challenge. You can help!
This 17½ young mother has been through a lot living in group homes most of her life. Having a mother who is homeless and a father in prison, the odds are stacked against her. However, she is excelling in our Wraparound Program and has a new reason to become stable and independent. She wants to set a good example for her new baby girl.
Her immediate goals are to find a steady job to support herself and her daughter. Her future goals are to attend college and work in social services to help girls like her get out of the system.
Her needs are:
- crib – granted!
- pack and play
- stroller with a car seat – granted!
- bouncy seat – granted!
- baby swing – granted!
- baby blankets and clothing – granted!
- baby food – gift card granted!
- a bed for herself
- a dresser – granted!
- bedding (specifically purple :) ) – granted!
- a gently used couch and any other furniture
If you can help, contact
us! Thank you!