High Fidelity Wraparound Process
FAQs About High Fidelity Wraparound for Youth and Families
What can I expect when my child is referred for Wraparound Services?
You can expect that you will be contacted within a week by a Stanford Youth Solutions Facilitator to set up an initial meeting. You will choose a time, day, and location that works for your family. Several Wraparound team members will talk with you about the Wraparound process and answer any questions that you might have. Participation in Wraparound is voluntary.
What is the Wraparound Process? OR What is Wraparound?
Wraparound is an individualized planning process to make sure youth grow up in their families and in their communities. The team works together to achieve the goals set by the family.
Who will be there for the first meeting?
The Wraparound facilitator is the person who coordinates most of the meetings. The facilitator is the central person who communicates information between different team members. A Family Partner and Youth Peer Mentor will also introduce themselves to you at the initial meeting.
Who is a Family Partner?
A Family Partner is a Wraparound team member who has personal experience parenting a child with mental health challenges. Our Family Partner ensures that the family’s point of view is heard by the team. The Family Partner also helps families build strong teams including natural supports.
Who is a Youth Peer Mentor?
A Youth Peer Mentor is a professional young adult who has lived in foster care. Our Youth Peer Mentor can meet with children and families to provide resources, act as a role model, and inspire hope that things can change for the better.
What is a Natural Support?
We define a natural support as a person in your life that provides support. This might be an extended family member, a neighbor, a coach, a spiritual leader, a teacher, a co-worker, or a friend. The core belief is that adding additional professionals to your life will not help in the long run, so we help you develop a team of people in your community that you can turn to for support.
How long is your program?
There is no specific time period for Wraparound. We will help you set goals that are important to you, and then we will stop services when you are comfortable that the goals have been met.
Will you talk with our Child Protective Services Worker or Probation Officer? How can I know who to trust?
It is important to have a wide variety of team members so we can
best help your family meet your goals. Often a Wraparound
facilitator or Family partner can provide effective communication
strategies and interventions to help your family meet the terms
of CPS expectations or probation requirements.