How are the helpers?
Week of March 30th, 2020
This is certainly an interesting time. I would be shocked to hear that any of you have found this time boring. There is so much to do, and so much to learn as we navigate a new way of interacting. The greatest challenge seems to be balancing it all, and managing the days, caring for ourselves, those we love, and those we serve.
I have begun to lose track of the days since COVID-19 became the focus across the world. We cancelled our large group meetings when social distancing became a familiar term, including Agency Leaders and All Staff. On March 11th, Napa County and Yolo County issued “Shelter in Place” orders. Then on March 13th a state of National Emergency was called. From that day forward, my days have been focused on advocating for continued services for youth and families in any way possible, while honoring the California “Stay at Home” order. The challenge is to find creative ways to continue to provide all of our services including, but not limited to: assessments, case management, therapy, child family teaming, behavioral support, intakes, placements, discharges, advocacy, mentoring, psychiatric medication management and community linkages virtually, while we play our part in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Tele-Health is the most viable solution at this time, although it is not perfect. As we continue to deliver essential services, document our services and continue to bring youth and families into our programs, we will remain healthy and stable as an agency throughout this unprecedented time. I believe that what we learn now will help us to provide even more extraordinary services in the future.
I greatly appreciate all of you, the helpers, and your incredible resiliency as you navigate your own family dynamics, bring your office home, and continue to serve youth and families in our communities. If you are struggling with connecting with your families or need additional support in any way, please utilize your team members and your supervisors. We are continuing to update our processes, tools, guidelines, resource folders, and communications based upon your feedback. Take care, stay safe, and be well.