Family Partner, Family and Youth Partnership
What’s the most exciting aspect of your job?
“The most exciting aspect of my job would be the blessings I receive at times becoming a beacon of hope and a partner working together with caregivers and families to reach for and achieve goals that for so long may have seemed out of their grasp.”
“Every day I have the privilege of taking a journey with my families which may help them achieve and accomplish the family vision they’ve always dreamed of obtaining.”
“Each and every step we take towards their vision is a milestone in my life also. I get to work with amazing individuals and be a part of a team of astonishing people who believe in the families that we serve which is everything that I have EVER wanted!” :)
What’s the most exciting thing about you?
“The most exciting thing about me is my ability to create musical melodies and use my words to paint vocal pictures which transform into song. The music then guides me as the maestro to further develop the picture with various instruments. I have produced two wonderful sons and many inspirational songs which incorporate hope, my love of classical, folk and jazz music and my vision for equality.”
Learn more about our Family and Youth Partnership program here