Over The Edge 2016 Photo Gallery Post July 14, 2016 Check out these awesome photos from Over the Edge 2016! ...Powered by Cincopa Podcast Hosting for Business solution.Over The Edge 2016Over The Edge + Stanford Youth Solutions 2016Over The Edge 2016originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Over The Edge 2016originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665West Sacramento City Councilman Mark Johnannessenoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 665height 1000Mark J and Darren S.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 960height 720Elk Grove City Councilman Darren Suenoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 665height 1000Winnie Comstock, Comcstock Magazineoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 665height 1000Winnie Comstock, Comstock Magazineoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 665height 1000Sacramento County SupervisorPatrick Kennedyoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 720height 960TAY youth Patyon going Over the Edge!originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665TAY youth Patyon going Over the Edge!originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Board Member Eileen Diepenbrockoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Elk Grove City Councilman Darren Suen with Stanford Youth Solutions Director of Development Carrie Johnsonoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Councilman Eric Guerra- Sacramentooriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 960height 960Over the Edge VIP Media Dayoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 665height 1000TAY youth Paytonoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665TAY youth Patyonoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Ebony getting interviewed by Mark S. Allen- ABC 10! We love the wings, Ebony!flash 16cameramake Appleheight 1632dir: 298alt: 12lat: 38.576297long: -121.486839orientation 1camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Phoriginaldate 6/30/2016 11:35:40 AMwidth 1224cameramodel iPhone 5sStanford Youth Solutions Board Member Suzanne and CEO Dr. Laura Heintzflash 16cameramake Canonheight 5616orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 3:59:33 PMwidth 3744cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIStanford Youth Solutions CEO, Dr. Laura Heintzflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:10:38 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIStanford Youth Solutions CEO Laura Heintz and Board Member Suzanne Brehmflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:10:33 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIStanford Youth Solutions CEO, Dr. Laura Heintzcameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:13:42 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Board Member Suzanne and CEO Laura Heintz going Over the Edge!cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:09:06 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Stanford Youth Solutions Board Member Suzanne Brehmoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Michael J.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:20:12 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIMichael J.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:20:30 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIMichael J.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 1000camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:22:12 AMwidth 665cameramodel NIKON D3200Joy R.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:42:39 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJoy R.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:43:49 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Zach H.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:24:29 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIZach H. and familycameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:25:57 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Ron C. and John Oehmke, former board memberflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:52:46 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJohn Oehmke, former Stanford Youth Solutions Board Memberflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:58:37 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIRon C.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:02:26 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJeff D.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:09:10 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IISherry D.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:11:30 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IINancy D.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:46:29 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IITAY youth Craig celebrating his 18th birthday by going Over the Edge!cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:58:08 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200We had crowds all day cheering on our Edgers!cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:29:57 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Our crowd sang Happy Birthday to our TAY youth Craig, who celebrated his 18th by going Over the Edge!cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:32:06 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200TAY Youth Craigoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Natalie R.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:46:44 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IINatalie R.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:54:04 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Super Chris!flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:39:18 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IISuper Chrisoriginaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Super Chris and CEO Dr. Laura Heintzcameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 1000camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:40:44 AMwidth 665cameramodel NIKON D3200Marty M.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:35:07 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIMarty M.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:34:36 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Marty M.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Former board member Marty M.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:35:21 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Brad S.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 5:48:00 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIBrad S.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Avi B.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 5:03:44 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Avi B.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:03:48 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IILaura S.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Photos 1.3originaldate 6/30/2016 6:02:45 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IILaura S.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 5:10:34 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Tiffany I. and Daniel S.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:13:19 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIDaniel S.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:23:39 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IITiffany I. and Daniel S.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:24:09 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIDaniel S. and Tiffany I.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Our Edgers were cheered on by enthusiastic supporters!cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 3:04:32 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Emmylou C. and Yuri K.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:41:40 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIYuri K.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:42:21 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIYuri K. and Emmylou C.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 5:47:07 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Haley A.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Stephanie B.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Ron C.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 4:02:36 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Steve S.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 6:14:01 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Greg P.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 6:34:04 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIGreg P.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 5:33:44 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Patricia P.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 7:06:47 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIPatricia P. and Carrie J.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 5616orientation 1camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Phoriginaldate 6/30/2016 7:07:05 PMwidth 3744cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IICarrie J.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 7:02:15 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIPatricia P. and Carrie J.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 6:09:31 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Allison C. and Jacquenette M.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 7:15:09 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAllison C and Jacquenette M.cameramake NIKON CORPORATIONheight 665camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Cameoriginaldate 6/30/2016 6:23:49 AMwidth 1000cameramodel NIKON D3200Amanda H.originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AMwidth 1000height 665Mike L.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:39:21 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIDavid B.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:42:40 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IITeresa L.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:44:00 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIDavid B. and Teresa L.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 5616orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:44:18 PMwidth 3744cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIKevin and Val H.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:31:02 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIMayor David Sander of Rancho Cordovaflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 8:58:54 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIRob L.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:04:00 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIHeidy N.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:07:19 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIKatie W.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:20:08 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIBreanne P.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:29:06 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIflash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 4:55:08 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IICandice R.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:31:30 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIKevin W.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:42:08 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJeff Z.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:42:13 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJohn and Brieanne O.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:43:40 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJohn O.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:51:25 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIBrieanne O.flash 16cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 9:51:22 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:26:57 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:27:14 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:27:18 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:41:15 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:28:37 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:41:54 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIAfter the Edge celebrationflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:35:40 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIPlaque Presentation from the City of Elk Groveflash 9cameramake Canonheight 3744orientation 1camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop CS5 originaldate 6/30/2016 10:38:33 PMwidth 5616cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark II