Behind the Scenes
Our team is made up of Social Workers, Support Counselors, Recruitment Specialists, a Clinical Program Manager, and a Director. If a foster child placed in your home has additional needs that cannot be met by our staff, our team will assist you in finding the necessary resources.
Team Roles
- The Director of the Foster Care Program oversees program development and operations, ensuring children and families receive services and support consistent with our program philosophy.
- The Clinical Program Manager supervises and provides clinical consultation to social workers and support counselors in a progressive, team driven atmosphere. Our placement social worker responds to requests for placement and arranges pre-placement visits.
- Social Workers meet weekly or bi-weekly with the resource parents and child. These meetings may include individual sessions, resource parent counseling or family meetings. Personal and telephone contact between the social worker and the resource family can be as frequent as necessary depending on your circumstances. The Social Workers also lead and coordinate the treatment plan ensuring that all necessary services are provided. Our Social Workers carry lower case loads to better assist resource families and children.
- Support Counselors only work with children that are classified as Intensive Treatment Foster Children. Support Counselors provide support to the child and the resource family, including structuring a safe environment for the child, collateral contacts, and any administrative or training functions necessary to implement the child’s needs and services plan. The Support Counselor can coordinate services with local education agencies and the service provider’s nonpublic school, where applicable.
- The Recruitment Specialist assures qualified resource parents are recruited that meet the requirements of the program to assure success for both the child and foster family.
Family Support
We have 24-hour Family Support on-call hotline. If you have an emergency, someone will respond by phone or in person if necessary.
We ask for your opinion, include you in decision making, and listen to your ideas.
Lifelong Connections
We work hard to create a good match of child and family and do
all we can to support our families. Most children in our care
remain with the same family until they return to their birth
families. When children cannot return to their birth families, we
provide assistance for their foster parents to assume
guardianship or adoption.