Destination Family Program
Destination Family
Destination Family is a one-of-a-kind child focused program that learns the unique needs of a child in foster care who has one or more barriers to adoption and the program seeks to find a family for children who may otherwise end up living in long-term foster care. Without specialized services, many of these youth will age out of the system. The team implements supports around children to prepare them for a family. The team provides family finding, child focused recruitment, and on-going family supports. Over one hundred youth receive these services annually in Sacramento, Placer, and Nevada Counties.
At Stanford Sierra Youth & Families we are happy to have a partnership with Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, an aspect of the Dave Thomas Foundation as we receive funding from the foundation for child focused recruiters to support meeting the needs of children who would typically languish in foster care.
For more information call:
Sacramento Office: (916) 368-5114
Auburn Office: (530) 887-9982
Grass Valley Office: (530) 478-0900